Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Senate Bailout

This is the first time in history when a bill could be filibustered using the phone book. No thinking American wants this bill, but, yet again, the financial elite are pushing through the package in a most disgusting display of contempt for the American Public. Hundreds of thousands of E-mails have already been sent but hundreds of thousands more need to be on their way. Watch this clip that perfectly describes the true intention of this package:

Now the Senate Republicans are saying a compromise is close. Unless there is a significant majority of people in the Senators districts that let them know there will be no way they get re-elected if they vote for this terrible bill.

There have been no significant changes made to this bill if any changes at all. The Senate will must not ignore the American People. We have to change it!
We need to start calling our Senators immediately. Shut down the phone lines with massive calling campaigns. Don't let them get away with this robbery.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Mainstream Media is Enemy #1

With the latest attack on free market economics, a free and open government, and self determination in the form of a seven hundred billion dollar bailout, and the economic dictatorship included in the bill and spearheaded by Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke. The enemy of free humanity has never been clearer.
The latest poles have shown that the vast majority of thinking and active Americans despise this bill, and the precedent it sets for wall street, the major international bankers, and the Federal Government. Clearly, there are much better options, yet those options are never examined by the mainstream media. However, solutions are not what this article is about. There are many indications of orchestration and media spin. This is important to remember because there hasn't been one television news agency that covered the points made in opposition to the bill in relation to the few who support it. Points like these:

and This:

The first point stressed by the mainline news was the urgency of this bill in relation to an up coming catastrophic collapse. Here is Reuters trying to put a "Bi-Partisan" spin on the package proposed by international bankers and backed up by the head of both political parties.
Bush insists on agreeing swiftly on this bailout and Reuters explains the bailout is for bad mortgages. Yet only a few months before Bush came out and stated the economy is sound and there is no cause to worry, and all agree that the total debt based on bad mortgages is only about 100 billion.
This leveraging of debt is the real problem yet the banks who sold these bad debts did so because of the deregulation through the clout and payoffs offered by the Federal Reserve. This bad banking practice is simply criminal yet has any establishment republicans or democrats offered any solution to this obvious banking oligarchy? Only those operating based on purely popular support like Ron Paul and Denis Kucinich. Does being lobbied and controlled mean that you can't address the real source of this "Crisis"?
In this story we see how Fox news has broken with traditional conservatism and agreed with the rest of the "Liberal" media. They try to assert that the reason the House Republicans didn't vote for the bill is because it didn't include any increase the FDIC insurance budget, yet I haven't heard a single House Republican or Democrat who has proposed this as being the main reason why they voted it down. These blanket, false assertions are indicative of a conspiracy of straw men.
What this issue comes down to is the fact that the screaming majority of Americans don't want the bailout package, but the major televised media demand it. They are the true enemies of the American People not Muslim Extremists, not Iran, and especially not the majority of Americans who are crying out to end this economic domination.
Oh yeah and here are a couple of pictures of me protesting the bailout in D.C.
We can change the media by making sure that the only sources we get our news from is NON CFR controlled sources and educate as many people as possible as to the real facts behind the manufactured hype. Make specific speculations and predictions relating to the headlines based off of a good knowledge of the history of elitism and global dominance. Start conversations and put patriotic materials into the hands of the skeptical. You will be proven right and skepticism will turn to belief over night. The elites are making their move and unless we act now there will be no hope for freedom.
Check out the following links for more information:
Info Wars
We Are Change
What Really Happened
We Are Change Virginia