Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Senate Bailout

This is the first time in history when a bill could be filibustered using the phone book. No thinking American wants this bill, but, yet again, the financial elite are pushing through the package in a most disgusting display of contempt for the American Public. Hundreds of thousands of E-mails have already been sent but hundreds of thousands more need to be on their way. Watch this clip that perfectly describes the true intention of this package:

Now the Senate Republicans are saying a compromise is close. Unless there is a significant majority of people in the Senators districts that let them know there will be no way they get re-elected if they vote for this terrible bill.

There have been no significant changes made to this bill if any changes at all. The Senate will must not ignore the American People. We have to change it!
We need to start calling our Senators immediately. Shut down the phone lines with massive calling campaigns. Don't let them get away with this robbery.